
How to Boost Results with Pipl’s Advanced Search Tips

You may have mastered the basics of using Pipl’s search engine, but you could probably use some advanced tips and tricks to get the most value out of Pipl. Try some of these below.


Search in non-Latin scripts

Pipl’s search engine keeps track of records in many languages, some of them using non-Latin alphabets. If Pipl has records not connected to the person’s Latin-alphabet name, inputting their name in the relevant language will help you access the results. That means, typing Saddam Hussein in Arabic can lead to different results than typing Saddam Hussein in English. This way, you’d be more likely to see if the old dictator had a phone number listed in Arabic.

All roads lead to Google Maps

Finding someone’s location isn’t just about turning up an address. You can also look up the address on Google Maps and see what it looks like via satellite or street view. Check to see if that business they say they represent is really a home, and vice versa. All you have to do is click on the address link in the results.

Searching by Address in Pipl SEARCH

Two (or three) is better than one

Why search with just one search term when you can use two. On the top far left of the search page on Pro click on “+ More Options.” You can now add another identifying search term to your search, including phone number, email, username and/or location.  If you have this information, use it. Zeroing in on the person you are looking for could be as simple as adding two or three identifying data points together in your search query.

Searching by name in Pipl SEARCH

Taking advantage of Pipl Pro’s Advanced search feature

If you’re using our professional version of the search engine,  Pipl Pro, you’ve got some added capabilities that can really give your searches a boost. Read below to get more bang for your buck.

Find the needle in the haystack

Do you know any additional details about the person you are looking for that can be used to filter the results? When using Pipl Pro, click on the “+ More Options” option in the top far left of the search page and then click on “Advanced Search.” This will open the “Advanced Search” window which you can use to add further information to filter your results. For example, is your John Smith a CEO who lives at 12 Jonestown Rd. in Tarrytown, NY? Add that information into the advanced search text boxes and watch the search engine filter its results.

Language is no barrier

In the advanced search page, you can also add another name to your search query. This can be used to locate isolated records in non-Latin alphabet languages. Let’s says you are looking for Big Foot’s online profiles. You can type his name in English and then add his name in Arabic, and the search engine will return results for either version of his name. This is a big time saver which basically combines two searches (English and Arabic) into one.

Advanced Search with non-latin characters

With these tips and tricks, you should be able to get some added mileage from Pipl’s search engine no matter what you are using it for.

Original blog post written by former Pipl Technology Evangelist Ronen Shnidman. Ronen is now Managing Editor @