ebook: Using Online Identities in Media Investigations

The traditional notion of identity has changed significantly in the past decade. Digitalization and the Internet have created a global online world in which people navigate information, products, and services using digital identities. This paper introduces the concept of online identities and describes how Pipl enables investigators to quickly and easily discover important details and connections related to persons of interest.

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Locate hard-to-find sources instantly — even when information is ambiguous

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Make Contact

Email Addresses, Mobile Phones, Landlines, Social Media Accounts, and Associates at your fingertips

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Uncover connections, aliases, and links to personal, professional, and demographic information

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Cross-check and corroborate source information

Pipl SEARCH is for professionals

This story is about speed and accuracy

  • Locate hard-to-find sources with ambiguous or spotty information
  • Uncover multiple contact channels
  • View current and historical records
  • Follow connections to other individuals
  • Print and export your research
  • Verify and corroborate source information
  • Instant access from the office or from the field

Start with the Source

With impossibly short news cycles, every minute counts. Journalists and editors need to be able to quickly locate and make contact with verifiable sources — often using non-traditional channels. Pipl's massive global index of over 3 billion adults reveals multiple contact channels instantly. Mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and social media accounts are just the start. Pipl even uncovers the true owners of ambiguous social media accounts.

How do you know if a source is legit? Start with Pipl. Pipl connects contact data to a rich identity record containing current and historical personal and professional data. It includes links to other associated individuals, social media pages, locations, businesses, and more — all with completely transparent data sources and timestamps.

Learn more.


Pipl SEARCH for Research and Investigations